Biography: ToShay
ToShay, home town Prince George B.C. ToShay grew up in a broken home, his father in and out of prison. At 8 years of age he began to write rhymes to cope. Moving from place to place, dealing with police, courts and visiting prisons was daily life for ToShay. He left home at the age of 16 to Fort St. John B.C. In 2006 he meet a girl. In the same year he was involved in a MVA leaving him with torn ligaments in his lower back. During this time he found out his father was homeless.
At 18 ToShay took his father off the streets. After a 4 year relationship with the girl, it ended when ToShay found her with some one else. Under extreme pressure, he turned to drugs instead of rhymes and spiraled down a dark path. At 21 he moved back to his home town. The destruction continued.
One morning he woke up and his passion for music came ripping through his mind. He quit using drugs and went to work on producing his first album 97th Ave. He Began performing live but being in a small town opportunities were next to none. At 22 he moved to Vancouver B.C. Opportunities grew and he once again started performing live. After a year he decided he wanted to take his music to a new level. He applied at The Art Institute of Vancouver. With out a high school diploma he had to take a challenge test, He passed. He was accepted in.
In 2013 the school could no longer offer the recording arts program. He transferred to harbourside institute of technology and in 2014 ToShay graduated from recording arts, became a father and married. 2015 he released his album Revenge. 2016 he was hit with a bulging disc in his lower back. After long treatments he was able to return to music and went on to releasing a few singles and filming his own music videos.
2017 ToShay went to work on his album Art Of Destruction, but in the same year he was involved in a fatal MVA. Music came to a halt. He was diagnosed with PTSD. After one and a half years of treatment, still not fully recovered, ToShay managed to release the album. Today he continues to recover. When asked what can we expect after recovery his response was “ A lot of live shows, a lot of new music and a movie will be in the works”
If you would like to contact ToShay Please email:
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